Isao Takahata: Jarinko Chie

The Seattle Mariners and the Pittsburgh Pirates are currently playing on Apple TV+, which means I am not watching it. Ban exclusively streamed content. Return everything to linear television.

This episode, Kory (@taiikumenco) guides Chris (@gokuffy) and Chris (@antoniuspius) through the lives of Chie, Tetsu, and Kotetsu and Jarinko Chie (Chie the Brat).

Growing Pains: Sean Wang on channeling his late-aughts adolescence in Dìdi (弟弟) by Annie Lyons on Letterboxd mentioned on the podcast.

Join the unofficial Taiiku Podcast discord, the OSMCast discord. Used with permission.


Show notes:

1:59 – Kory talks about Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart and Dìdi (弟弟)

  • In this segment, I mispronounced Sean Wang’s last name. It is pronounced like “wong” not “wang,” as Chris’s name is in the movie. I apologize for the error.

9:23 – Chris talks about Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person and Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

13:14 – Chris talks about Amanda & the Alien, Way Bad Stone, Blonde Death, The Last Slumber Party, Attack of the Killer Refrigerator, The Hook of Woodland Heights, Days Before Christmas, Moonchild, Demonic Toys, Dollman, Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, Psycho Sisters, Screambook, Screambook II, and With Love and a Major Organ

26:22 – We talk about Jarinko Chie

Next time is Gauche the Cellist

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